1. Introduction

At XIJIR, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity. Ensuring originality in every article we publish is fundamental to maintaining trust in our journal, the authors, and the broader academic community. This policy outlines our stance on plagiarism and our approach to ensuring all submitted work is genuine and original.

2. Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism occurs when someone uses another person’s ideas, words, data, or other original material without crediting the source or seeks credit for someone else’s work. This includes:

  • Direct copying of textual material without proper attribution.
  • Paraphrasing someone else’s ideas without proper citation.
  • Using another person’s ideas or theories without acknowledgment.
  • Reproducing any form of copyrighted material without necessary permissions or citations.

3. Use of Turnitin

To ensure the authenticity of all submitted papers:

  • All manuscripts submitted to XIJIR will be screened for plagiarism using the Turnitin software.
  • Manuscripts found to have a similarity index above 12% will be scrutinized further.

4. Acceptable Similarity Threshold

Papers with less than 12% Turnitin similarity index are generally considered acceptable. However, the editorial board reserves the right to make judgment calls in cases where:

  • The similarity percentage is primarily from the inclusion of common scientific terms or references.
  • The identified similarities are not of a nature that compromises the originality of the manuscript's main content.

5. Consequences of Plagiarism

If a manuscript is found to contain plagiarized content:

  1. For manuscripts under review: Immediate rejection.
  2. For published articles: The article may be retracted, and an official notice of retraction will be issued. Additionally, the author(s) may be banned from submitting to XIJIR in the future.

6. Responsibilities of Authors

Authors are expected to:

  • Ensure that their work is entirely original.
  • Properly cite and give appropriate acknowledgment to all sources that have influenced their work.
  • Obtain permission to reproduce any content, tables, or figures from other sources.
  • Cross-check the manuscript for potential plagiarism before submission using recognized software tools.

7. Appeals

If authors believe their manuscript was wrongly flagged or rejected due to plagiarism concerns, they can appeal the decision by providing concrete evidence that supports their claim. The editorial board will review the appeal, and their decision will be final.

8. Continuous Monitoring

The XIJIR editorial team will regularly review and update the plagiarism policy to ensure it remains effective in maintaining the journal’s academic integrity.

All authors and contributors are advised to familiarize themselves with this policy. Ensuring the originality and authenticity of academic work is a collective responsibility. Let's work together to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity.