1. Submission Format: Manuscripts must be submitted in MS Word (2009 or later) format, suitable for blind refereeing. Submissions should be made through the online system at https://xijir.com/index.php/en/about/submissions. In case of difficulties with online submission, manuscripts can be emailed to submission@xijir.com.

    2. Word Limit: Manuscripts should not exceed 8,000 words, including footnotes, graphs, tables, references, and appendices. The minimum word count is 3,700 words, excluding references.

    3. Authorship Limits:

      • Each article can have a maximum of three authors.
      • The same author(s) cannot publish continuously in the same or two consecutive issues.
      • The first author of a manuscript cannot publish as the first author again in the same issue or the subsequent issue.
      • The first author can appear as the second or third author in the same issue and the next issue.
      • An author can appear only twice in a single issue: once as the first author and once as a second or third author.
      • An author cannot appear in any capacity in the immediate next issue after being published twice in a single issue.
      • If an author appears as the first author in one issue, they cannot appear as the first author again in the same issue or the subsequent issue.
      • Similarly, if an author appears as the second author in one issue, they cannot appear as the second author again in the same issue or the subsequent issue.
    4. Corresponding Author: For manuscripts with multiple authors, the name, affiliation, and e-mail of the corresponding author must be indicated.

    5. Author Details: The name, affiliation with country, and email of all contributors/authors must be provided.
    6. No Submission Fee: There is no fee for submitting a manuscript. 

    7. Double-Blind Review: All submissions are scrutinized by specialized referees based on the double-blind review principle.

    8. Originality Requirement: Submissions must be original works not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. If accepted, the contribution cannot be published in the same form in any language without written consent from the Editor in Chief.

    9. Copyright and Plagiarism: Contributors are solely responsible for any international copyright violations and/or plagiarism. The journal maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards these issues.