Book Review Section

We are pleased to announce the addition of a Book Review section to our journal, commencing with Volume 1, Issue 2, starting January 1, 2024. We invite submissions of reviews for both academic and literary writing books that offer insightful and critical perspectives.

Scope of Reviews
Academic Books: Reviews of scholarly works, including texts in various academic disciplines, research monographs, and edited volumes.
Literary Writing: Reviews of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, novels, and other forms of literary work.


1. Submission Guidelines
1.1 Word Limit: Reviews should typically be between 1300-1500 words. However, flexibility is allowed for in-depth analyses.

1.2 Language: English

2. Formatting: Submissions must adhere to the journal's formatting guidelines:

Title: Times New Roman, 14-Points, Bold, Center of the page

Heading: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font,  Bold

Text: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1.5-spaced,

Page Size: A4

References (Times New Roman, 10-point font, APA-style entire article)

3. Structure: Reviews should include a summary of the book, critical analysis, and the reviewer's perspective. The emphasis should be on the book's contributions to its field or literary merit.

Other general guidelines for writing a review:

3.1 Summary of Content: The review usually begins with a brief summary of the book's content. This provides readers with a context for the critique and helps them understand the basis of the reviewer's comments.

3.2 Critical Analysis: The core of a book review is a detailed analysis of the book. This can include an examination of the book's themes, characters, plot, style, and structure. The reviewer may discuss what they perceive as the strengths and weaknesses of the book.

3.3 Comparisons and Context: Often, reviewers compare the book to other works by the same author, or within the same genre.

3.4 Assessment of Contribution: Especially in academic reviews, there's an assessment of how the book contributes to its field. Does it offer new insights, challenge existing beliefs, or present groundbreaking research?

3.5 Personal Reaction and Recommendation: Reviewers usually include their personal opinion about the book. This may involve discussing how the book made them feel, whether they found it engaging or informative, and who they think would enjoy it.

3.6 Target Audience: Reviewers often mention the intended or suitable audience for the book. This helps potential readers decide if the book is right for them.

3.7 Writing Style and Accessibility: The reviewer may comment on the writing style of the author and the accessibility of the book to its intended audience.

3.8 Conclusion: Most reviews end with a succinct conclusion that encapsulates the reviewer’s overall impression and recommendation.

Originality: Reviews must be original and not previously published.

4. Review Process
We will employ a single-blind peer-review process for book reviews. This means that the reviewer's identity will be concealed from the author. We believe this approach encourages objective and unbiased reviews.
Submissions will be evaluated based on relevance, depth of analysis, and writing quality.

5. Conflict of Interest
Reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to the book or its author.

6. Submission and Deadlines
Submissions should be made through our online submission system. Please adhere to the submission deadlines as announced for each issue.

For any queries related to the book review section, please contact us.