Thesis/Dissertation Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit their thesis\dissertation of any field and any level (Bachelor, Master, PhD, etc.) to this journal. All submissions will be assessed by an editor to determine whether they meet the aims, scope, and general journal guidelines. Those considered to be a good fit will be sent for single-blind peer review before determining whether they will be accepted or rejected. An editor may reject a submission if it does not meet minimum standards of quality. Before submitting, please ensure that the study design and research argument are structured and articulated properly

  1. Title Page:

    The title page should be formatted in the following manner:

    • Title: The thesis/dissertation with the same title has been successfully presented and defended

    • Author's Name/s: Clearly state the full name of the author or authors. If there are multiple authors, list each name on a separate line.

    • Department: Clearly state the specific department or unit within the institution where the research was presented (e.g., BS English, MS Education, PhD Islamic study)

    • Degree Name: Specify the exact name of the degree for which the thesis/dissertation is being submitted (e.g., Bachelor of Science, "Master of Science" or "Doctor of Philosophy").

    • Institution: Clearly state the full name of the academic institution.

    • Supervisor: Indicate the full name of the primary thesis/dissertation supervisor followed by their title or descriptor (e.g., Dr. Jane Smith, Associate Professor, Department of English, Xpertno University of Skills).

    • Examiners: List both the internal and external examiners, along with their titles or descriptors. For instance:

      • Internal Examiner: Dr. John Doe, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Xpertno University of Skills
      • External Examiner: Dr. Emily Johnson, Professor, Department [External University Name]

    The aforementioned details should be centrally aligned on the page, with each item separated by appropriate spacing. Ensure that the text size and font are consistent and easily legible.

  2. Abstract Page:

    • Abstract Heading: The word "Abstract" should appear at the top, centered and in bold.

    • Content

    • Keywords: At the end of the abstract

The abstract should be a single page in length, and the content should be 1.5-spaced with a clear, legible font.


MS  Word File ( 2009 or latest)

Title: Times New Roman, 14-Points, Bold, Center of the page

Heading: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font,  Bold

Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1.5-spaced,

Page Size: A4