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Authors are invited to submit to this journal. All submissions will be assessed by an editor to determine whether they meet the aims and scope of this journal. Those considered to be a good fit will be sent for peer review before determining whether they will be accepted or rejected. Before submitting, please check all the guidelines.

Please check the Authorship Limits & Contribution and also check the general guidelines

Submission Format: Manuscripts must be submitted in MS Word (2009 or later) format, suitable for blind refereeing. Submissions should be made through the online system at submissions. In case of difficulties with online submission, manuscripts can be emailed to submission@xijir.com.


  1. Manuscript Preparation

1.1 Language: Manuscripts must be written in clear, concise English. Non-native speakers are encouraged to have their manuscripts reviewed for language consistency before submission (Expert Novice Group is also offering proofreading at a low cost. E-mail us for service: proofr@xijir.com).

1.2 Length: Research articles should ideally be between 3,700 to 6,000 words, including tables and footnotes but excluding references. Shorter communications or review articles should be 1,700 to 3,000 words.

1.3 Formatting

  • Page Layout: Use standard A4 size and portrait orientation for all pages. This applies to the entire manuscript.
  • Margins: Employ standard MS Word document margins. Ensure that these margins are consistent throughout the manuscript.
  • Line Spacing: The manuscript should be formatted with a 1.5-line spacing throughout.
  • Font and Size: Use Times New Roman font at 12 points for the entire manuscript. The editorial staff reserves the right to adjust font sizes for headings and sub-headings to align with the journal’s style.
  • Headers and Footers: Do not include running headers or footers in your manuscript.
  • Page Numbering: Refrain from adding page numbers. The editorial staff will incorporate page numbering per the journal's formatting style.
  1. Structure of the Paper

Title Page: The title page should be structured as follows:

  • The title of the paper (bold in the center), author name(s), institutional affiliation, and e-mail address(s). In the title, capitalize only the first letter of each word.
  • The title, including subtitle, if any, should preferably be 12 words or less.

Page after the Title Page:

  • The page after the title page should contain:
  • Title of the paper (without the name of the author or any other information). To conceal the identity of the author(s), the manuscript to be sent to reviewers will begin on this page.
  • An abstract not exceeding 150 words.
  • Keywords: Please use sufficient keywords (minimum three) to get citations.

Rest of the Manuscript:

  • The paper should preferably start with a section entitled “Introduction” and end with a section entitled “Summary or Conclusions.”
  • Any appropriate number of sections may be used in between.
  • Before the last section, add the authors’ contribution if there are two or more authors.
  • The last section should be followed on a separate page by "References.”


  1. Style of References:
  • The author is responsible for ensuring that the references are correct and that all references are quoted in the text and listed in the References section at the end of the article.
  • The journal uses APA (American Psychological Association) style for references/bibliography.
  • The references should be ordered alphabetically.
  • For in-text citations, page number(s) must be included when referring to the specific idea (s) and/or information set or direct quotation. If no page number is available, use paragraph numbers as explained in the APA style of referencing. However, if the reference is to a work in general, it should take the form: (Author, Year).

When citing Qur’ānic verses, or aḥādīth collection, use the following format:

  • Qur’ānic verses: References to Qur’ānic verses will be given in-text or at the end of the verse quoted as: (Qur’ān, 1:105) where 1 refers to the 2nd sūrah of the Qur’ān (sūrah al-Baqarah), and 105 is the number of the verse (ãyah).
  • Aḥādīth collection: Full bibliographical details of the ḥadīth book should be provided in the reference list as per the APA rule for books and multi-volume works. In-text reference should be given as follows: In-text reference: (al-Bukhārī, 1999, 2:155, ḥadīth no. 605) where 2 is the volume number and 155 is the page number

General Structure of Manuscript

Title: Concise and informative. Titles are often used in information retrieval systems.

Abstract: Maximum of 150 words, summarizing the research's main aim, methods, results, and conclusions.

Keywords: Provide 3+ keywords to aid in indexing and search.

Introduction: Outline the objectives of the work and provide context for the research.

Literature Review

Methods: Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced.

Results: Clear and concise presentation of research findings.

Discussion: Explore the significance of the results, not repeating them. Merge with the Results section where appropriate.

Conclusions: Briefly summarize the study's main insights and implications.

Acknowledgments (if): List contributions from non-authors and any funding sources.

References: Use the APA (American Psychological Association) style for citations and references.

Tables and Figures

Tables: Number tables consecutively and ensure each table has a brief descriptive caption.

Figures: High-resolution images are preferred. Label each figure and provide a concise caption.

5. Submission Process

  • Authors submit their manuscripts via the journal's online submission system or email.
  • During submission, authors must provide metadata separately, ensuring that the main manuscript remains devoid of any identifying information.
  • Manuscripts are then assigned a unique identification number to track the process without revealing the author's identity.

Ethical Guidelines

Ensure all research involving human participants has received appropriate approval and ethical considerations have been followed.

All submissions must meet the following requirements:

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets, and other material provided with this submission.