Enhancing Global Business Education through Artificial Intelligence Application
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In the dynamic realm of global business, education's evolution is imperative. This study explores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in global business education. Leveraging AI tools such as computer vision, natural language processing, and machine learning, the research uses a mixed-methods approach, including virtual focus groups and surveys across various institutions. Findings reveal a correlation between educational backgrounds and attitudes towards AI in education. The study highlights the necessity of understanding AI’s advantages and challenges in enhancing accessibility and personalized learning. Key recommendations include AI integration in teaching and assessment, with a focus on training educators and addressing privacy and gender diversity issues. Preparing students for AI-driven careers involves aligning curricula with industry needs and emphasizing soft skills. The study underscores the importance of collaboration between academic institutions, industry, and AI startups for curriculum development, advocating a comprehensive approach to AI integration in business education.
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